Dear colleagues
We warmly welcome you to join us for the 21st Baltic pharmaceutical conference BaltPharm Forum 2018. Every year, pharmacists across the Baltic countries gather at BaltPharm Forum to exchange their ideas and experiences, meet colleagues and participate in discussions, and most of all, develop professionally. This year BaltPharm Forum will take place on 13–15 April, 2018 in Tartu, Estonia. The conference explores the most thought-provoking matters of pharmacy in 21st century. Lecturers all over Europe and the Baltic countries will present future scenarios of pharmacy that will inspire the mind and broaden knowledge of both, community and hospital pharmacists.
The conference will start with the pre-forum event for Estonian pharmacists on April 13. A welcoming dinner for all participants and guests of the conference will take place in the evening.
The main day, April 14, will be filled with conference presentations. Two parallel sessions, one for hospital pharmacists and one for community pharmacists, will take place in the afternoon of April 14. The day will be concluded with closing party in the Science Centre Ahhaa.
On the last day, April 15, the participants and guests can take part in guided tours to get acquainted with our fascinating town, the University of Tartu and the Institute of Pharmacy of University of Tartu.
The participation fee is up to 115 EUR and will include full participation, accommodation (for two nights), meals, gala dinner and other activities. For students discount will be available. However, please do note the number of participating students is limited to 10 students per country.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us eestifarmaatsia@gmail.com.
Lugupeetud kolleegid
Meil on hea meel teid kutsuda traditsioonilisele Balti riikide konverentsile BaltPharm Forum 2018. Konverents toimub 13.-15. aprill 2018 Tartus. Seekordsel kohtumisel arutleme tulevikuteemadel, mille fookuseks on 21. sajandi apteek.
Konverentsile ootame nii jae- kui ka haiglaapteekreid kõigist Balti riikidest.
13. aprillil toimub EFSi kevadkonverents ja üldkogu. Õhtul toimub vastuvõtt-õhtusöök külalistele (kohtade arv on piiratud).
14. aprill on BaltPharm Forum’i konverentsipäev. Ettekannetega esinevad lektorid Euroopast ja iga Balti riik saab esitleda oma riigi farmaatsia tulevikuvisioone. Pärastlõunal on plaanis paralleelsessioonid nii haigla- kui ka jaeapteekritele. Ürituse lõpetamine toimub gala-vastuvõtuga teaduskeskuses Ahhaa.
15. aprillil toimuvad ekskursioonid väliskülalistele meie ülikoolilinnas.
Osalustasu on kuni 115€ (EFSi mitteliikmele lisandub kevadseminari tasu 13€) ja see sisaldab konverentsil osalemist, ööbimist (2 ööd), toitlustust jms. Tudengitele kehtivad soodushinnad ning ootame neid igast riigist kuni 10 inimest.
Küsimuste korral saate pöörduda aadressil eestifarmaatsia@gmail.com.