Registration and fees

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Registration form for BaltPharm Forum 2018 is HERE  or HERE.

Registration form is open up to 11th March 2018.


Participation fee must be paid to Pharmaceutical Society of Estonia bank account:

Eesti Farmaatsia Selts MTÜ
IBAN: EE032200221007134541
Bank name: Swedbank
Payment name: BPhF18Participation_Name_Surname_Country

You will be put in the list of participants after the payment is recieved!
If the payment is not recieved in 30 days after the registration, your application will be deleted!

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BaltPharm Forum’ile saab registreeruda SIIN või SIIN.

Registreerimisvorm on avatud 11. märtsini 2018.

Osavõtutasu saab kanda iseseisvalt Seltsi arveldusarvele:
EE032200221007134541 (Swedbank)
KMKR nr EE101765192
Eesti Farmaatsia Selts MTÜ
Makse nimetus: BPhF18 Osaleja_Perekonnanimi_Riik

Kui makse pole teostatud 30 päeva jooksul registreerumisest, siis registreerumine kustutatakse!